The 2021/2022 fat bike season is well under way here at the BRMC in Bracebridge. With less snow than previous years, it took longer to bring the trails up to excellent condition. With the last few snowfalls, and the help of our SnowDog groomer, volunteers have been able to machine groom most trails, and snowshoe pack the trails where the groomer is unable to maneuver.
Check out the website and social media for “Current Trail Conditions” posts (below).
Fat Bike Etiquette on the BRMC Multi-Use Trails:
- When crossing groomed XC ski trackset, please cross at a 90 degree angle. This keeps the trackset integrity in shape, and xc skis within the trackset.
- When using the double track to navigate through the single track, please stay to the skate ski/hiking side, and well away from the groomed trackset.
- A friendly reminder that these trails are multi-use. Expect to see hikers, snowshoers, skiers, etc along your route.
- The south parking lot at the BRMC (Hwy 11 & Holiday Park Drive) is winter maintained, and we suggest using this entrance for fat biking. A winter connector trail helps you climb your way up to the junction of Crazy Goat/Body Dump, or the popular Freeway is a steady climb as well.
- As always, pack in and pack out. There is a garbage and porta-potty at the South Lot, along with a Winter Trails Map to help plan your route upon arrival.
- Please report any trail damage or downed trees to us via trailforks, email ( or social media.